How to build an Online Strategy that Actually Sells?

Quick advice for Personal and Project Accounts

Are you tired of shouting into the digital abyss, hoping someone will hear you and buy your collection, product or service? Fear not, my fam! I want to share a few thoughts about it, and these will not be a long one. So let's jump to the point.

Rule 1: Your project account is not your personal account!

Listen, I know it's tempting to turn your project account into the virtual version of your friendly neighbor, but that's not going to cut it. People are getting smarter, and they know when you're trying to sell them something. Keep your personal and project accounts separate, and you'll have a better chance of gaining their trust.

Rule 2: Personal branding matters.

Let's be real, personal branding is just a fancy term for being yourself (but on purpose). Don't be one of those "experts" or "experienced teams" that just spouts buzzwords. Be authentic, and show people who you are. The impressions you make through everyday interactions will build trust and lead to conversions.

If you guide the process well, your personal and project accounts can lead to the following communication flow:

➡️ Impression becomes interest

➡️ Interest leads to discovery

➡️ Discovery grows into desire

➡️ Desire triggers the action (conversion) as the final outcome

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a strong online presence. But if you follow these rules and create a solid communication strategy, you'll be on your way to success (whatever that means to you).

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to stay awesome!