How Web3 is Teaching Us About Loyalty and the Importance of Personal Branding

You can still make it, but you have to act now :)

In the wild world of Web3 bear market, personal branding is the name of the game. Whether you're an artist, an NFT aficionado, or just someone who wants to build a personal presence (yeah I know you are born to be advisor), doing it right can set you up for greatness.

And yes, by greatness I mean potential profit.

Web3 building today

Twitter is where all the cool kids hang out these days. So, if you want to make waves in the Web3 scene, you better grab your Twitter handle and join the party. It's the hottest spot before you launch that epic NFT collection or groundbreaking service.

But wait! People have been rugged so many times, and trust is probably the rarest asset these days. Even if you've got the slickest product, a killer landing page, and a marketing strategy that would make Don Draper jealous, there's no guarantee that fam will care. So we are slowly getting to the point.

The Magic of Personal Branding

During the last few months, I have heard many times that influential individuals are the only ones capable of selling a project. Let's take a moment to demystify those so-called "influencers." They may seem like they were born under a lucky star, but behind all that success lies hard work, dedication, and a solid personal brand. Building your personal brand is like building your own little empire. It's the secret sauce that gets people to trust you and see you as someone worth their time and attention.

It will take much more than this newsletter to delve deeply into personal branding, but if that's something you're interested in learning more about, you can always check out the advice below.

Steps to start building Your Personal Brand

  1. Give Some Love to the Community: Focus on engaging with your fam, those people who share your passion. Show them some respect and make an effort to connect.

  2. Unleash Your Unique Vibe: Who are you, really? What makes you stand out from the crowd? Embrace your quirks, talents, and wit. Let your personality shine like a disco ball. Don't just tell people why you're cool; show them!

  3. Stay in the Game, Consistently: Consistency is key, my frens. Drop those big words and long stretches of radio silence. Be present, be active, and keep the good vibes flowing. Your followers will love you for it.

  4. Rethink Your Goals: In the realm of Web3, it is crucial to remember that sales should not be the primary goal, but rather a consequence of excellent community building. Create value, forge connections, and contribute to the ecosystem.

Happy weekend, folks!